Embody more Ease, Clarity, and Confidence.
Somatic therapy supports the discovery and strengthening of internal resources. Therefore, we increase our capacity to be gently present with internalized stress patterns. The increased resilience and gente letting go of these internal unconscious patterns allows us to heal from past traumas, one gradual step at a time.
Somatic Experiencing and Somatic Psychotherapy
As a licensed Psychotherapist and Somatic Experiencing practitioner I relate genuinely rather than trying to analyze or diagnose. I move at your pace. I check in often to be sure we are on the right track. Similarly, I may offer reflection or suggestions to include awareness of your body’s wisdom.
The psycho-biological roots of Somatic Therapy can help alleviate symptoms of traumatic stress and PTSD, such as; relationship challenges, difficulty setting boundaries, drug or alcohol addiction, anxiety-based issues, chronic pain, depression, panic attacks, chronic fatigue, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
To resolve more than just the ‘why‘ in therapy we need to attend to the felt-sense.
Somatic therapy addresses both body and mind flowing continuously in a single current.
Stress management effectively requires that we resolve the internalized stress patterns from past difficult experience. Somatic Experiencing, originating from the work of Peter Levine is a short-term therapy for addressing situational trauma. Such as, physical/sexual assault, car accidents, falls, or surgery. Combining SE with Psychotherapy addresses relational, attachment-oriented issues that have been affected by childhood physical or emotional abuse or neglect. Noteworthy, adversity can also occur from growing up with alcoholic parents, addiction, domestic violence, bereavement, or divorce.
These difficult life experiences are encoded in the body. Thereby, shaping worldview, self-perception, and beliefs. The result is that we feel less safe. We feel less like we belong, out of balance, stuck. Unlearning deep nervous system patterns requires experiencing those patterns in a safe enough way to imbue a new way of relating to the experience. Therefore, Somatic therapy is effective in creating an ever-increasing sense of settling around those restrictive patterns.
Body Awareness: A Core Somatic Intervention in Therapy
Body Tracking
Being mindful of the body’s wisdom requires tracking the inner landscape. We may notice whole emotional shifts to more subtle sensations, movement impulses, variations of temperature, tingling, pulsating, or trembling. Through this body-based mindfulness approach to stress management, habitually stuck patterns of tension are able to be noticed and processed through to completion.
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